The first post for Viking Raid online. Basically this will be a blog for posting anything and everything, from art and culture to news (from either Denmark or New Zealand) and world issues. The raids for today are:
Raid 1: H1N1 Virus
People all over the world are freaking about the H1N1 virus that's spread to the majority of England and other countries in a disturbingly short amount of time. Personally I'm really freaked and I constantly carry hand sanitiser with me and flinch every time somebody coughs. Been reading the news on and they've closed a daycare because one child was said to have the virus and so far about 70~80 people have been reported to have had it. Honestly, Denmark is so lucky. Here in New Zealand, about 2000 are said to have been infected and about 10 people have already died. Our population is only one million smaller than Denmark! ...Seriously. But it's all about good personal hygiene, maintaining your immune system and making sure to stay warm and such, since it's winter here. It gets confused with the common flu and everyone gets real crapzy about it. Talk about bad timing. -_-;
Raid 2: Hetalia -Final Episode
Onto something more cheerful, the online anime series 'Axis Powers Hetalia' has released its 26th and final episode this Monday for the first season. The second season is going to follow. For all those England fans, this episode is worth a watch as you get to see him make fun of America, get drunk and cry. =3= He's so adorable. Was actually wondering what they would do since Lichetenstein's big brother diary had all been animated. It wouldn't been funny to see the manga where Hungary thinks she's a dude be animated. xD
The first raid will conclude here, until the next raid. Hej hej!
-Currently listening to: Rihanna feat. Jay-Z/Umbrella (Danish net radio -DR P5000)
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