31 August 2009

And so another Monday begins...

....Because I totally didn't post yesterday since I was trying to write my essay... And only came up with one sentence for the introduction. *fails* But my website is going really good and I finished my plan for the Switzerland x Austria manga anthology in Japan. Yippee!! (though that's completely irrelevant to what I'm doing in class)
Anyway, this morning I shall bring you a review of Carpark North's recent album (which was released in 2008 xD) 'Grateful''s review.

Raid 17: Carpark North Album Review
I listened to this album not too long ago and it's actually really good. And am not being patriotic this time (lol). The album has that beautiful soft rock sound but has a little edge to make it sound really good as it compliments each other. The track list is as follows:
02.Shall We Be Grateful
03.Save Me From Myself
04.Leave My Place
05.Lost (Peace)
06.Last Song
07.The Everlasting Tie
08.Within My Reach
09.Bring The Lights

And the lyrics don't need translation since it's all in English, yay! xD 'Cos I'm trying to translate Sanne Salomonsen's songs into English.... Which is pretty tricky considering I don't know all of the rules for Danish yet. T_T Getting there.
First of all, the first three songs are amazing. 'More' has a really cool video game sound plonking at the start and then hits into the guitar sound. Awesome.
Most people living in Denmark will know of the second and third since it's been on TV, with 'Shall we be Grateful' having a rock sound and mellow verses that seem to want to speed up, which they do in the chorus. In 'Save Me From Myself' it's a relaxing melody with nice harmonies in the vocals and makes you want to take out a neon glow stick. While singing along. ^^; Probably my favourite song on the album. Well, all of them are good really, so if I described them all the post would be horribly long.
But it's definitely worth the money to buy a copy if you can.

Anyway, I have a lecture after this so better get going to that. Studying about Greek and Roman architecture and whatnot. It's interesting but it's always hard to concentrate...xD
So yeah, until then! Ciao ciao~

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