21 September 2009

Holidays have started, woohoo!

It's finally the holidays. It's not like I don't like to attend classes since they're fun, but it's also nice to get a break from it since it can really do your head in. -_-; So now I'm focusing my holidays on drawing lots of illustrations and drawing whatever the hell I like for once! xD ... And working on my manga I'm sending over to Japan to be put in a Hetalia anthology. And the deadline is looming so I'd like to complete it by the end of the holidays and then send it over in the post. Which is always exciting since it feels pretty good to send away a finished product but I always have the worry that it might not get there (lol). Every time I've sent one it has though. I usually send things by uploading it onto a private server since it's a lot easier and I complete my manga digitally, but there are occasions when you have to send things over. Not that I mind.
Anyway, enough about that, onto this week's raids.

Raid 20: New Illustration

OMG, the 20th raid!! That calls for celebration. So I bring you an illustration. A Denmark x Norway illustration! For some reason since the last holidays I've gotten a lot faster at drawing and before it took quite some hours to complete anything, but this one only took one morning. O.o And I slept in. I tried to do something different since I seem to do the same kind of thing each time so I added a checkered background and whatnot. The characters are in a slightly blue tinge as well. If you look closely. Can kinda see why it didn't take that long, considering the effects were pretty much done in seconds and minutes. It's about the execution though, right? :3
The idea for the illustration was slightly taken from the music video for Hatsune Miku's song 'Black Rock Shooter', which is going to be talked about in my next raid.
Well, hope you like! ^_^

Raid 21: Black Rock Shooter the ANIMATION!!

For those that love the song, love the video and love the Miku look-a-like to bits, there's going to be an animation made for her!! It's at first going to make a pilot which is set to be available in... October. I think. Which will be very exciting! Since it's a pilot, the animation quality will be top-notch. It will be interesting to see what it's about and what kind of characters are going to appear. Black Rock Shooter has a very nice aesthetic about it, with checkered backgrounds and the repetition of using blue and black as its main colours gives it a nice cool, mysterious look to it. For those that like huke-san's work should check out the website of the artist which can be found on the Supercell website.

That's all for today, and I'm not sure what the next raids will be about... But Muse has released a new album and Basshunter is about to release a new album as well so I'm looking forward to having as listen. Oh, and Rammstein is going to release a new album in October! Yeeesss...!!! Their new single 'Pussy' is out now. xD
Hasta luego~

11 September 2009

'Maya' is so confusing.

Seriously, with all the buttons and whatnot everywhere, it's practically impossible to use everything. I just started using it today for class and we're having a tutorial on it, and it's actually pretty fun! I really want to make the ship I drew in illustration class for our project that's due in today. Now all that's left is the art history essay and our storyboards....-_-; Can't wait 'till everything is done so I can start drawing Hetalia characters again! >v<

Raid 19: Hetalia US x UK VIDEO!!
...Yeah, well, I'm starting to run out of things to talk about. But this video is really awesome. The drawings are so detailed and beautiful and goes very well with the song and is a great laugh, as well as it being so cute! It has elements of BL, so if you don't know the meaning of it or don't like it, don't watch. Flaming is very 20th century. So, enjoy! This isn't the subbed version but is available on Youtube somewhere.

CP: Hetalia -Amercia x England
Language: Japanese
Song Track: 'World is Mine' -Hatsune Miku

I'll leave it here, and next week I'll post some illustrations on Pixiv!! Hopefully.
Ciao ciao~ >v<

02 September 2009


...It's on the second I'm posting this but I can't believe it's September already... I say it in practically every month since the days go past like a jetplane and I can't keep up. T_T
Although I hear that's the same for other people, especially people in the School of Art and Design like I am. Since we always have so many projects and there's never enough time to draw anything, the days go by in a flash and the next thing you know it's the end of term, end of the semester, etc. Which I'm finding now, since I have about 5 projects to go (finished about 2 previously) and there's only two more weeks until the 3rd term is over. In New Zealand we have 4 terms and 2 semesters, 2 terms in each semester dividing it in half.
But yeah, I've drabbled enough about myself now. Onto some raids!! >v<


...Huh. It turned itself into a subscript. Anyway, CO2PENHAGEN is the world's first CO2 neutral festival!! ...Trust Denmark to do something like this. xD Which is great really. People who are conscious about the environment would be concerned about the amount of energy used up just to have a concert for a day (like myself, who is going to see Basshunter in New Zealand lol), but there's no need to worry for this event.
Held from September 4~6, it will feature art, culture, bands, and many more events. There will be people performing such as:
Dúné (yeeesss!!!)
Camille Jones
Rebound Rubies feat. Ida Aida & Lizzie
...just to name a few. And there's going to be a cycle parade! CYCLE PARADE!!! >v<

Why is Copenhagen made of such awesomeness? God I wanna live there so bad. Will be living there when I graduate, but until then must be patient...! Would also like to go to Roskilde, Køge, Århus, etc... Just jump around the islands. One day. But still love Zealand the best. It's kinda funny 'cos I live in New Zealand and am going to Zealand. It's a weird feeling.
Jeg elsker Sjælland!!

... So I'll leave it here until the next raid, which will probably be about Denmark again, 'cos nothing happens here. Seriously.

31 August 2009

And so another Monday begins...

....Because I totally didn't post yesterday since I was trying to write my essay... And only came up with one sentence for the introduction. *fails* But my website is going really good and I finished my plan for the Switzerland x Austria manga anthology in Japan. Yippee!! (though that's completely irrelevant to what I'm doing in class)
Anyway, this morning I shall bring you a review of Carpark North's recent album (which was released in 2008 xD) 'Grateful''s review.

Raid 17: Carpark North Album Review
I listened to this album not too long ago and it's actually really good. And am not being patriotic this time (lol). The album has that beautiful soft rock sound but has a little edge to make it sound really good as it compliments each other. The track list is as follows:
02.Shall We Be Grateful
03.Save Me From Myself
04.Leave My Place
05.Lost (Peace)
06.Last Song
07.The Everlasting Tie
08.Within My Reach
09.Bring The Lights

And the lyrics don't need translation since it's all in English, yay! xD 'Cos I'm trying to translate Sanne Salomonsen's songs into English.... Which is pretty tricky considering I don't know all of the rules for Danish yet. T_T Getting there.
First of all, the first three songs are amazing. 'More' has a really cool video game sound plonking at the start and then hits into the guitar sound. Awesome.
Most people living in Denmark will know of the second and third since it's been on TV, with 'Shall we be Grateful' having a rock sound and mellow verses that seem to want to speed up, which they do in the chorus. In 'Save Me From Myself' it's a relaxing melody with nice harmonies in the vocals and makes you want to take out a neon glow stick. While singing along. ^^; Probably my favourite song on the album. Well, all of them are good really, so if I described them all the post would be horribly long.
But it's definitely worth the money to buy a copy if you can.

Anyway, I have a lecture after this so better get going to that. Studying about Greek and Roman architecture and whatnot. It's interesting but it's always hard to concentrate...xD
So yeah, until then! Ciao ciao~

28 August 2009

Design Week in Copenhagen

OMG yes. This makes me love Denmark more than I already do. ^_^
Raid 16: Design Week
Until the 6th September, Copenhagen is going to be covered in events showcasing designers' work, varying from furniture and technology and it's all tied in with the COP15 UN's Climate Conference with the theme being 'sustainability'. Yaay!! Danish designers are known for their amazing internationally and it's a great opportunity to showcase their work publicly, since this is the first time they're going to do it! Damn, I wish I could just fly over there and go to the events...T_T Why am I in a foreign country!!?? ...Must wait until I graduate...sigh.
But also, just the day before the book I ordered arrived at my door and can't keep my eyes off it. I finally was able to buy 'Dansk Design'!! I saw it at the bookstore and it was hideously expensive so I looked it up on the online bookstore I always go to and it was almost 30 cheaper... On top of getting a discount coupon from them by sheer coincidence, it couldn't have come at a better time. Ugghh it has so many pages, it's so overwhelmingly awesome!! >v< ...My next aim is to save up for a bracelet from Pandora. God I love Danish designed jewelry. Hoorah for Danish design!!! The next raid will be an album review for Carpark North's 2008 album 'Grateful'. I recently listened to it and it's... good! Seriously. I say that about anything Danish (since I'm horribly patriotic...for some strange reason), but Carpark North have a soft rock style that's so relaxing to listen to. And it's in English so I actually know what they're talking about!!^^ 'Cos my Danish skills are really really basic.
anyway, I'll leave it here. Until the next raid!!

23 August 2009

Music Review

Goddag everyone! I haven't posted this week due to doing work for my classes (illustration, animation, etc.) but I can at least put up one post before the next week arrives.^^ Today's raid will be an album review of Dune's new album 'Enter Metropolis'.

Raid 15: Enter Metropolis!

The new album from the Danish band Dune released on the 14th of August 2009 and has their singles 'Victim of the City' and 'Heat'. I wrote a post earlier to say that it was about to be released and I also embedded a Youtube video of 'Victim of the City', and now it has! ^_^ Just hadn't thought about doing a review until now. But yes, I had a listen to the album and it's pretty good. Not amazing, but pretty good.
Some of the songs were really generic and you could either get sick of them easily or it can be listened to as background music with relative ease. Not saying they're bad of course! >v< The other ones such as 'Heat' and 'Victim of the City' are very catchy and lovely to listen to. In 'Heat', there's a bit in the middle of the song where the vocalist starts whispering which isn't in the music video (the composition is different between the MV and the track itself). It sounds really cool 'cos when Danish people speak in English their accent sounds so awesome...! xD
Some other good songs on the album are 'Let Go of Your Love' and 'Get It'. It would be nice to hear what songs everyone else likes^^
Overall, I'd give the album....7.5/10. Sorta swinging back and forth between 6 and 7 points. Meh.

Lastly, as I was saying before I've been a little busy with doing work and such... I'll also have an illustration up soon for illustration class. It needs to have one point perspective and a character and such. It's really fun though, since it has a lot of creative freedom and I can challenge myself to draw thing I wouldn't normally draw. So I'll post it on Pixiv once it's complete and link it to this blog.

Bye for now!!

13 August 2009

Danish Film Review

As I said before (yesterday), I was planning to see the 2008 Danish film "Flammen og Citronen". And I did. It was pretty nerve racking since it took a lot of effort to get the tickets (running back and forth from school and the venue) but managed to get the tickets on the day which was amazing considering that over half the tickets were sold out from the day before. I wouldn't have guessed that so many people wanted to see it...! But got a good seat near the front so kicked back and watched the movie. So today's raid will be a film review for "Flammen og Citronen"!!

Raid 15: "Flammen og Citronen" Review
The summary taken from Wikipedia:
Flame & Citron (Danish: Flammen & Citronen) is a Danish Drama/Action movie from 2008. The director and co-writer of the movie is Ole Christian Madsen. The movie is based on actual events and eye-witness accounts of two of the most active resistance fighters in the Holger Danske resistance group during World War II, Bent Faurschou-Hviid (known as Flame) and Jørgen Haagen Schmith (known as Citron), who both died during the war.

Because I'm really bad at summing up a description for movies. -_-; But yes, I never watch WWII themed movies since it's always depressing and I would normally rather watch something fictional but considering it's a Danish (+Czech Republic + German)film and I'm annoying patriotic about Denmark and it had good reviews, I thought I've give it a go. And it was totally worth it.
The cinematography is fantastic with interesting camera angles and character profiles. The actors who played Bent and Jørgen were amazing. They portrayed their roles very nicely with a mix of good acting and good looks (lol) and you could relate to how the characters were feeling. It's a bit weird saying that since it's based on a true story....
The soundtrack was beautifully done capturing the essence of that time. Also the fast and slow music were pieced together into the cinematography well so you didn't feel out of place and confused because of the music when watching it.
It was thrilling all the way through (as you would expect in a war themed movie)and you never knew what to expect, unless you had previously known about the event. If not, the only obvious thing was that they would eventually be killed.
It was all in Danish and German with English subtitles (which can be a pain in the ass if you know the languages or you're afraid the translation are wrong, which is how I felt). I understood some of the basic Danish and German that was spoken... Kinda. And found a real funny typo in the subs: 'Location: North Sealand' ....Sealand? Oh god. I guess it looked too similar to 'Nord Sjelland' and they got confuddled. xD Also 'Ja tak!' was translated into 'Leave us!' ...Hmm. Makes sense in context but whether it's direct is another question.
This is turning into a language critic fest so I'll leave it with a score:
9/10. Definitely. It's so good that I'm planning to buy the DVD from Ebay. And I'm really stingy with money so it's a big deal. xD

... Which reminds me, I want to buy that Dansk Design book too.

12 August 2009

I give myself too much work. T_T

Just recently (about 10~20 minutes ago from this post) I was in class working on mocking up a website in Dreamweaver and Photoshop and am using Himaruya Hidekaz (creator of Axis Powers Hetalia)'s website as a model. Which probably isn't a good idea considering he's very good at designing websites, games, etc. and I always seem to try to jump a big hurdle in order to do the best I can. The exact same thing happened last year with my art panel, yet I still managed to complete the work, which was amazing in itself. ^^; But enough about my stuff, onto more raiding!!

Raid 13: New Danish Bank Notes
Don't they look so snazzy? :3  Designed by local artists, they've been issued out on this day yesterday. So far the 50 kroner note has been released and will be used until 2011 and the 100 kroner note will be introduced in 2010. Having the notes designed by local artists is really something special, and gives it that at-home feel to it. I guess. In New Zealand, our coins were changed a few years ago because people were complaining that their change was too heavy. Before that the 5 cent coin was gone (the one with the tuatara on it) and the 10c, 20c and 50c coin was changed. The 10c had the same design but it was a different colour and the coins became magnetic. It's kinda strange thinking about it...O.o; 
But anyway, apparently these Danish notes have been changed so that they have more security than the notes before them and reduces the risk of people creating counterfeits and have a fancy hologram. Of course.

Raid 14: Noto-sama 6 has been released!!
It's official: the game created by Himaruya Hidekaz has released a sequel to Noto-sama 5, known as Noto-sama 6!! ^_^ Apparently the bugs have been fixed and the story continues one day after the previous game. The download is available on his blog entry but it get overloaded extremely easily so you can also download it from his upload on Windows Live in Skydrive. Can't wait to play it...! but first I must get Microsoft Frameworks 3.5 Buh. Which is a pain... But it's so worth it. Some of the graphics are on the Hetalia Livejournal Community and it looks AMAZING. Definitely worth a look if you don't play it. 

This is all the raiding I'll do for today, as I'm going to go see the Danish film 'Flammen og Citronen' tonight!! Which will be very exciting. Sitting in a dark room in front of a massive screen for 2 hours. YEAH! I shall put a raid on what it was like later this week.
Hej med dig! 

08 August 2009

Lækker lækker lækker!

Can't get enough of Danish rap artists Nik & Jay's 2008 album "De Største". Currently listening to the remix for "Lækker" featuring LOC...! Nik & Jay are worth a listen. Although every Danish artists I've liked I've recommended... For some reason I'm really patriotic about Denmark. And I'm from New Zealand. Although my ancestors were (apparently) from there so there's a good excuse. Today's raids are on more illustrations I've done and a little bit of Kiwi celebration. ^_^

Raid 11: Denmark & Norway, YEAH!

...Strange title, yes. But I have drawn my first Hetalia manga, woohoo! And it's of Denmark and Norway. Hetalia fans that like the Scandinavian characters know that each of the Nordic countries has its own disturbingly difficult to understand Japanese dialect (Finland and Iceland's accents are mainland though). And Japan has god knows how many dialects. There are just too many. Since it's northern Europe they have dialects from the northern parts of Japan which can sometimes be incomprehensible. I looked up IbaraKing's Ibaraki-ben dictionary just so I could have Denmark say a few phrases. Thank god Norway didn't speak at all in this manga. xD
...I really do hope that one day Himaruya-sensei personifies Faroe Islands and Greenland. And also Scotland, Ireland and Wales.

Raid 12: New Zealand's Big Night In
On this day until 6pm tomorrow night, New Zealand is having a telethon, since the last one 15 years ago! Watched the start of it before going off into the other room to type this up and there were performances from Gin and The Dukes! Gin is so lovely. I heard she has an opportunity to try and make it in America. She's more suited for Europe though...-_-; She has a nice dress sense though. Like Minuet.
The telethon's purpose is to help the school kids in our country get raincoats, school shoes and food so the country's aim is to raise $2,000,000 by calling/texting and donating and all of that goes to the charity that can give them these privileges. Although I can't help but think that the parents of the kids let alone the communities in our country can't even provide these things for them without having to resort to a giant telethon. On the positive side, they're doing something about it.

So until next week, once again trying to think desperately of something to talk about. And hopefully as I get more computer savvy this blog might actually look decent soon.
Ciao ciao~

05 August 2009

Starting to feel the spring warmth.

Goddag! Looking outside on the fourth floor there's a blue sky with beautiful white clouds and scenes of parts of the city in construction and the views of the roofs of shopping centres. For some reason there are several surrounding my polytech. Makes it convenient though. :3
So, today I will prattle on about more Danish music, and the anime/manga series Hetalia!

Raid 9: Noto-sama Game on Himaruya-sensei's Website

I'm not saying it's actually on the site. It's about to be. The latest edition of the Noto-sama games being released by "Axis Powers Hetalia"'s creator Himaruya Hidekaz is about to be released in about 2 weeks (he said approximately 10 days since he found a good server for people to get it from). Currently a student of the Parsons School of Design in New York, he's a freakin' legend. For one he's one of the first famous Japanese artists to be successful worldwide without having to live in Japan, and he's very good at flash, photoshop, character design and game making just to name a few. And there was also a time when I got overexcited 'cos I finally clicked that when I was watching Project Runway the location was the Parsons School of Fashion. *V*
But yes, should be very exciting once the game comes out for download since apparently he's fixed the bugs that were in the previous game and is a nice edition after the April Fools game for Hetalia released last month (which I still have to play...). The link to Himaruya-sensei's site is in my bookmarks on the right as [Kitayume.].

Raid 10: Nephew Still Going Strong
The first Danish band I came across since near the middle of the first semester of this year (which is where my obsession with Denmark sprung forth), "Nephew" has been rocking the Danish charts.... Passively. xD They're the type of band that makes you either worship them or want to stab them with forks. Basically, either you love 'em or hate 'em. The band has got a grungy feel to them and use mostly blacks, grays and reds for their graphic design, typography and music videos. Their album cover is lovely as well, with a lion in the middle surrounded by those colours in a linear design. They've also done projects (that are put up on Youtube) for film makers to make a video based on the songs from their latest album "Danmark/Denmark". Which by the way, is a good album. "Va Fangool!" has a very addictive beat. ^^
Below I have embedded the music video for the track "007 is Also Gonna Die" by Nephew. This is a very good example of their visual aesthetic and creativity. Enjoy!!

That shall be all for today, looks like the average is 2 raids per day... A lot goes on in New Zealand (surprisingly) but am always stuck on things to be opinionated about (lol). Now to go read the Copenhagen Post...
Hej med dig!

02 August 2009

Wow... August already.

I usually think this every month, but time flies when you have things to do at home as well as doing a degree course. ...Not impossible of course. It's a fine balance between education and leisure, yet doing these things every day without noticing how many days have gone by can be pretty scary if you think about it. But artists, graphic designers, etc, like to work on a schedule and repetition is highly involved. Now, onto today's raids.

Raid 8: A Bit of News from Denmark
...Jeg elsker Danmark!! ...The beauty of learning Danish. :3 Basic Danish that is. I've been learning for about a month my vocabulary is super basic. But anyway, onto some news. Reported in the Copenhagen Post, the popularity of electric cars is on the rise. It's said that they're mostly used on islands like Funen and they're great for transporting tourists at a reasonable price, with as travel distance of 80km with a full battery. The awesome thing about Denmark is that they're actually doing something about climate change and looking for alternative power such as wind turbines and the above, electric vehicles. December will be interesting....
It's kinda similar over here in New Zealand, though you never really hear of anything that's being done in terms of climate change. About a month ago, Denmark just got electric buses that go round the centre of Copenhagen for easy transport but unfortunately it costs to get on it (though they're going to work on making it free). Over here we have the 'Shuttle', a cute looking yellow electric bus that runs round the centre of the city and it's free. It's sometimes really scary to get on them since they're free and it can get really crowded inside. Kinda like a roomy Japanese train. -_-;

Only one raid today, since I really can't think of anything else to say... And I haven't uploaded any images to Pixiv or anything. But have a new Denmark x Norway pic on my Japanese Hetalia fansite, for those that can read Japanese and like yaoi. ^^; Will also be uploading a Denmark x Norway manga in Japanese as well, that will be next week. And some sketches I did in class for a project; some character designs based on Hans Christian Andersen's ideal of the future. Talk about lucky! My favourite Danish writer.
Another thing that really peeved me off was that on the handout I got it said that vikings came from Norway. It's Denmark, Sweden and Norway. GOD. I'm related to the Normans so it naturally pisses me off. xD How sad.

I'll leave it here, and am off to raid some more information to bring to you next week! Hej hej~

28 July 2009

Art & Music!

A new week and July is almost over... Time sure flies. But this blog is just beginning!

Raid 6: New Illustration on Pixiv

I've put up a new illustration on the Japanese illustration site Pixiv a few days ago. The first in my viking character series, named Maja. Also was a good opportunity to practise drawing backgrounds, but unfortunately I epically failed in the grass. That's what you get for replying on brushes too much. -_-
For some reason, originals aren't as popular as the fanart I have on Pixiv, and the annoying thing is, for full view you need to register.
Also was able to snag a request illustration from an artist I admire, Mina-sama!! She's so lovely. :3 I'm currently working on the next one in the viking series.... Not sure what his name is going to be, but so far I can only think of naming him Jørgen. A really common Danish name...

Raid 7: Dúné to Release New Album

Yees!!! A rock/electro band from Denmark, I have only listened to their latest single 'Victim of the City', but it's very catchy. The only downside is that they sound a little emo-America. Like Simple Plan or whatever. But this is the kind of band that you can actually tolerate. Also the female vocalist Cecilie's voice is so hypnotising....=o=
Also they're releasing a new album on July 31 2009! Can't wait!! If you're wandering around on Youtube or Myspace, they're definitely worth a listen.

I would also like to focus more on musicians in Denmark, and hopefully might be able to find some nice artwork from there to write about. It's always exciting to write about what's happening in Denmark.
Until then~

25 July 2009

Rambling on about current affairs, etc.

The second post for this blog is mostly about current affairs and a little mention about the Christchurch Arts Festival in New Zealand running through July and August. Three raids today:
Raid 3: Sweden Ferry Collision
Wasn't expecting it, personally. The Nordic countries seem to have their act together a lot more than other countries, but of course someone has to stuff up. Silly Sweden-face! On July 23 2009, two ferries going to Gotland managed to collide into each other because of foggy conditions. Woops. Luckily only a few were lightly injured so it's not too much of a big deal. How the hell did the vikings back in the 1st century manage not to hit into each other? ...They probably did but didn't tell anyone and said the people on board got eaten by the world serpent or the bermuda triangle was on a vacation and just happened to be there... Something ridiculous like that. And obviously I'm not the type that tells jokes well. -_-;
Meanwhile, the Danish ships are having to deal with Somalian pirates trying to hijack their ships.

Raid 4: The Japanese Being Paid to Smile?
....What? This topic actually came up for a short time on the news in New Zealand, where in Japan, people working at the train stations have a camera on top of their laptops to rate their smile which of course is aimed towards their customers. It's good for the customers as they say 'a smile is contagious' and can make them cheer up, but it would suck for the employers that have to constantly flex their muscles all for the sake of other people. I admit in a way it's a good idea since just smiling can loosen people up and make communication easier for the both of them, but the Japanese don't smile that often anyway (just being stereotypical here). Also, do people even realise how damn busy those train stations actually are? People are heading left and right and you have to brush past hundreds of passengers and the maps for the trains are so complicated it looks like a kid scribbled randomly with a crayon in different colours and called it a map. Train station are truly stressful, and I've only lived in Japan for two years to know that well. The Japanese just need to be less uptight. What's wrong with wearing a loose T-shirt and jandals to work? xD Smiling should come naturally; a camera shouldn't have to force you to.

Raid 5: Christchurch Arts Festival
The Christchurch Arts Festival doesn't happen that often so it's definitely worth a look when it actually is on. It has a variety of things to go to, from seeing orchestras, ballet, international film screenings and a massive igloo with an ice skating rink in the middle of Cathedral Square. But I'm mostly looking forward to the international films, since I'm planning to go see 'Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea' [崖の上のポニョ -Studio Ghibli film] and 'Flame and Citron' [Flammen & Citronen -Danish/German film]. Should be super awesome!

Those are my raids for today, and will be back next week surfing the waves of the internet to raid more information on anything and everything. Until then!

22 July 2009

First post!

The first post for Viking Raid online. Basically this will be a blog for posting anything and everything, from art and culture to news (from either Denmark or New Zealand) and world issues. The raids for today are:
Raid 1: H1N1 Virus
People all over the world are freaking about the H1N1 virus that's spread to the majority of England and other countries in a disturbingly short amount of time. Personally I'm really freaked and I constantly carry hand sanitiser with me and flinch every time somebody coughs. Been reading the news on Denmark.dk and they've closed a daycare because one child was said to have the virus and so far about 70~80 people have been reported to have had it. Honestly, Denmark is so lucky. Here in New Zealand, about 2000 are said to have been infected and about 10 people have already died. Our population is only one million smaller than Denmark! ...Seriously. But it's all about good personal hygiene, maintaining your immune system and making sure to stay warm and such, since it's winter here. It gets confused with the common flu and everyone gets real crapzy about it. Talk about bad timing. -_-;

Raid 2: Hetalia -Final Episode

Onto something more cheerful, the online anime series 'Axis Powers Hetalia' has released its 26th and final episode this Monday for the first season. The second season is going to follow. For all those England fans, this episode is worth a watch as you get to see him make fun of America, get drunk and cry. =3= He's so adorable. Was actually wondering what they would do since Lichetenstein's big brother diary had all been animated. It wouldn't been funny to see the manga where Hungary thinks she's a dude be animated. xD

The first raid will conclude here, until the next raid. Hej hej!
-Currently listening to: Rihanna feat. Jay-Z/Umbrella (Danish net radio -DR P5000)